The last night may fall on the 29th or 30th (subject to moonsighting), so it is recommended to do the following aa’—maal on both the nights
Perform a Ghusl on the last night of Ramadhan
It is recommended to visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn (a.s). Recite his Ziyara
It is recommended to recite Surahs of al-An`am (No. 6), al-Kahf (No. 18), and Yasin (No. 36).
It is also recommended to repeat the following invocation 100 times:
Then Say: waf—a’lbee
And do for me (mention your legitimate desires)
Imam Jafar As Sadiq (as) short dua’a 3 on the last night:
Sayyid Ibn Tawus has reported Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s) as saying: As for anyone who bids farewell to the month of Ramadan with the following supplication, Almighty Allah will forgive him before morning and will confer upon him with the bliss of submission before Him (i.e. Almighty Allah):
Sayyid ibna Taa-oos (R.A.) and Kaf-a’mee (R.A.) reports that the Holy Prophet (S.A.) had advised to pray a
10 Rak-a’t Salaat, in 5 sets of two Rak-a’t each,
on the last night of this month, as under:-
(i) In every Rak-a’t, after the reicitation of Soorah Al Faatih’ah, recite Soorah Al Ikhlaas 10 times.
(ii) In every “Rukoo” and “Sajdah” recite the Tasbihate arba following 10 times:
After each 2 Rak`ahs, one may recite the Tashahhud and Taslem. After the accomplishment of the ten Rak`ahs, one may recite the Taslem and say the following one Thousand times:
After that, one may prostrate and say the following:
The Holy Prophet (a.s) then continues, “I swear by Him Who has sent me with the truth as Prophet; Archangel Gabriel has reported to me from Archangel Israfel who directly reports from Almighty Allah that one who offers that prayer will not raise his head from prostration before Almighty Allah would forgive him, accept his acts during the month of Ramadhan, and overlooks his sins... .”
Sayyid Ibn Tawus has reported following 3 supplications for the last day of Ramadan month in Iqbal Aamal
Dua 2 last day
Reported by Shaykh al-Tusi from Imam `Ali Amer al-Mu'mineen (a.s):
Dua 3 last day
It is recommended, too, to say the following supplication that is reported from Imam `Ali Amir al-Mu'mineen (a.s):
Bidding Farewell Sahifa Sajjadiya - Dua 45
for You have said,
Completion of (Khatmul) Quran - Sahifa Sajjadiya
اللّهُمّ إِنّك أعنْتنِي على ختْمِ كِتابِك الّذِي أنْزلْتهُ نُوراً
allahumma innaka a'ntani `ala khat-mi kitabikalladhi anzal-tahu nura
O Allah, You have helped me complete Your Book, which You sent down as a light
وجعلْتهُ مُهيْمِناً على كُلِّ كِتابٍ أنزلْتهُ
wa ja'l-tahu muhay-minan `ala kulli kitabin anazal-tah
appointed as a guardian over every book You have sent down,
وفضّلْتهُ على كُلِّ حدِيثٍ قصصْتهُ
wa fad-dal-tahu `ala kulli hadithin qasas-tah
preferring it over every narrative which You have recounted,
وفُرْقاناً فرقْت بِهِ بيْن حلالِك وحرامِك
wa fur-qanana faraq-ta bihi bay-na halalika wa haramik
a separator, through which You have separated Your lawful from Your unlawful,
وقُرْآناً أعْربْت بِهِ عنْ شرائِعِ أحْكامِك
wa qur-anan a'-rab-ta bihi `an shara-ii' ah-kamik
a Qur’an, through which You have made plain the approaches to Your ordinances,
وكِتاباً فصّلْتهُ لِعِبادِك تفْصِيلاً
wa kitabana fas-sal-tahu lii'badika taf-sila
a book, which You have distinguished very distinctly for Your servants,
ووحْياً أنْزلْتهُ على نبِيِّك مُحمّدٍ صلواتُك عليْهِ وآلِهِ تنْزِيلاً
wa wah-yan anzal-tahu `ala nabi-yika muhammadin salawatuka `alay-hi wa alihi tanzila
a revelation, which You have sent down, a sending down, upon Your prophet Muhammad (Your blessings be upon him and his Household).
وجعلْتهُ نُوراً نهْتدِي مِنْ ظُلمِ الضّلالةِ والْجهالةِ بِاتِّباعِهِ
wa ja'l-tahu nurannah-tadi min zulamid-dalalati wal-jahalati bit-tibai'h
You appointed it a light through following which we may be guided from the shadows of error and ignorance,
وشِفاءً لِمنْ أنْصت بِفهْمِ التّصْدِيقِ إِلى اسْتِماعِهِ
wa shifa-alliman ansata bifah-mit-tas-diqi ila as-timai'h
a healing for him who turns ear toward hearing it with the understanding of attestation,
ومِيزان قِسْطٍ لا يحِيفُ عنِ الْحقِّ لِسانُهُ
wa mizana qis-tilla yahifu `anil-haq-qi lisanuh
a just balance whose tongue does not incline away from truth,
ونُور هُدًى لا يطْفأُ عنِ الشّاهِدِين بُرْهانُهُ
wa nura hudana la yat-fa `anish-shahidina bur-hanuh
a light of guidance whose proof is not extinguished before the witnesses,
وعلم نجاةٍ لا يضِلُّ منْ أمّ قصْد سُنّتِهِ
wa `alama najatin la yadillu man amma qas-da sunnatih
and a guidepost of deliverance, so that he who repairs straight way to its prescription will not go astray and
ولا تنالُ أيْدِي الْهلكاتِ منْ تعلّق بِعُرْوةِ عِصْمتِهِ
wa la tanalu aydy al-halakati man ta`allaqa bi-`urwati `ismatih
he who clings to its preservation's handhold will not be touched by the hands of disasters.
اللّهُمّ فإِذْ أفدْتنا الْمعُونة على تِلاوتِهِ
allahumma fadh afat-tanal-ma`uwnata `ala tilawatih
O Allah, since You have given us help to recite it
وسهّلْت جواسِي ألْسِنتِنا بِحُسْنِ عِبارتِهِ
wa sahhal-ta jawasia al-sinatina bihus-ni i'baratih
made smooth the roughness of our tongues through the beauty of its expression,
فاجْعلْنا مِمّنْ يرْعاهُ حقّ رِعايتِهِ
faj-`al-na mimman yar`ahu haq-qa ri`ayatih
place us among those who observe it as it should be observed,
ويدِينُ لك بِاعْتِقادِ التّسْلِيمِ لِمُحْكمِ آياتِهِ
wa yadinu laka bi`tiqadit-tas-limi limuh-kami ayatih
serve You by adhering in submission to the firm text of its verses, and
ويفْزعُ إِلى الإِقْرارِ بمُتشابِهِهِ ومُوضحاتِ بيِّناتِهِ
wa yaf-za`u ilal-iq-rari bamutashabihihi wamudahati bay-yinatih
seek refuge in admitting both its ambiguous parts and the elucidations of its clear signs
اللّهُمّ إِنّك أنْزلْتهُ على نبِيِّك مُحمّدٍ صلّى اللّهُ عليْهِ وآلِهِ مُجْملاً
allahumma innaka anzal-tahu `ala nabi-yika muhammadin sallallahu `alay-hi wa alihi muj-mala
O Allah, You sent it down upon Your prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and his household) in summary form
وألْهمْتهُ عِلْم عجائِبِهِ مُكمّلاً
wa al-ham-tahu i'l-ma `aja-ibihi mukammala
inspired him with the science of its wonders to complement it,
وورّثْتنا عِلْمهُ مُفسّراً
wa war-rath-tana i'l-mahu mufas-sara
made us the heirs of its knowledge as interpreters,
وفضّلْتنا على منْ جهِل عِلْمهُ
wa fad-dal-tana `ala man jahila i'l-mah
made us to surpass him who is ignorant of its knowledge, and
وقوّيْتنا عليْهِ لِترْفعنا فوْق منْ لمْ يُطِقْ حمْلهُ
wa qaw-way-tana `alay-hi litar-fa'na faw-qa mallam yutiq ham-lah
gave us strength over it to raise us above those not able to carry it.
اللّهُمّ فكما جعلْت قُلُوبنا لهُ حملةً
allahumma fakama ja'l-ta qulubana lahu hamalah
O Allah, just as You have appointed our hearts as its carriers and
وعرّفْتنا بِرحْمتِك شرفهُ وفضْلهُ
wa `ar-raf-tana birah-matika sharafahu wafad-lah
made known to us through Your mercy its nobility and excellence,
فصلِّ على مُحمّدٍ الْخطِيبِ بِهِ وعلى آلِهِ الْخُزّانِ لهُ
fasalli `ala muhammadinl-khatibi bihi wa `ala alihil-khuz-zani lah
so also bless Muhammad, its preacher, and his Household, its guardians, and
واجْعلْنا مِمّنْ يعْترِفُ بِأنّهُ مِنْ عِنْدِك حتّى
waj-`al-na mimmay-ya'-tarifu bi nnahu min i'ndika hat-ta
place us among those who confess that it has come from You, lest
لا يُعارِضنا الشّكُّ فِي تصْدِيقِهِ
la yu`aaridanash-shak-ku fi tas-diqih
doubt about attesting to it assail us,
ولا يخْتلِجنا الزّيْغُ عنْ قصْدِ طرِيقِهِ
wa la yakh-talijanaz-zay-ghu `an qas-di tariqih
or deviation from its straightforward path shake us
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and
واجْعلْنا مِمّنْ يعْتصِمُ بِحبْلِهِ
waj-`al-na mimman ya`tasimu bihab-lih
make us one of those who hold fast to its cord,
ويأْوِي مِن الْمُتشابِهاتِ إِلى حِرْزِ معْقِلِهِ
wa ya-wi minal-mutashabihati ila hir-zi ma'-qilih
seek haven from its ambiguities in its fortified stronghold,
ويسْكُنُ فِي ظِلِّ جناحِهِ
wa yas-kunu fi zilli janahih
rest in the shadow of its wing,
ويهْتدِي بِضوْءِ صباحِهِ
wa yah-tadi bidaw-i sabahih
find guidance in the brightness of its morning,
ويقْتدِي بِتبلُّجِ إِسْفارِهِ
wa yaq-tadi bitaballuji is-farih
follow the shining of its disclosure,
ويسْتصْبِحُ بِمِصْباحِهِ
wa yas-tas-bihu bimis-bahih
acquire light from its lamp, and
ولا يلْتمِسُ الْهُدى فِي غيْرِهِ
wa la yal-tamisul-huda fi ghay-rih
beg not guidance from any other
اللّهُمّ وكما نصبْت بِهِ مُحمّداً علماً لِلدّلاةِ عليْك
allahumma wa kama nasab-ta bihi muhammadana `alamallild-dalati `alay-k
O Allah, just as through it You have set up Muhammad as a guidepost to point to You and
وأنْهجْت بِآلِهِ سُبُل الرِّضا إِليْك
wa an-haj-ta bi alihi subular-rida ilay-k
through his Household You have made clear Your good pleasure's roads to You,
فصلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
fasalli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
so also bless Muhammad and his Household and
واجْعلِ الْقُرْآن
make the Qur’an
وسِيلةً لنا إِلى أشْرفِ منازِلِ الْكرامةِ
wasilatallana ila ash-rafi manazilil-karamah
our mediation to the noblest stations of Your honor,
وسُلّماً نعْرُجُ فِيهِ إِلى محلِّ السّلامةِ
wa sullamanna'-ruju fihie ila mahallis-salamah
a ladder by which we may climb to the place of safety,
وسبباً نُجْزى بِهِ النّجاة فِي عرْصةِ الْقِيامةِ
wa sababannuj-za bihinnajata fi `ar-satil-qiamah
a cause for our being repaid with deliverance at the Plain of Resurrection, and
وذرِيعةً نقْدُمُ بِها على نعِيمِ دارِ الْمُقامةِ
wa dhari`atannaq-dumu biha `ala nae’emi daril-muqamah
a means whereby we may reach the bliss of the House of Permanence
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household,
واحْطُطْ بِالْقُرْآنِ عنّا ثِقْل الأوْزارِ
wah-tut bil-qur-ani `anna thiq-lal-aw-zar
lessen for us through the Qur’an the weight of heavy sins,
وهبْ لنا حُسْن شمائِلِ الأبْرارِ
wa hab lana hus-na shama-ilil-ab-rar
give to us the excellent qualities of the pious, and
واقْفُ بِنا آثار الّذِين قامُوا لك بِهِ آناء اللّيْلِ وأطْراف النّهارِ
waq-fu bina atharalladhina qamu laka bihie ana-allay-li wa at-rafannahar
make us follow the tracks of those who stood before You in the watches of the night and the ends of the day, such that You
حتّى تُطهِّرنا مِنْ كُلِّ دنسٍ بِتطْهِيرِهِ
hat-ta tutahhirana min kulli danasim-bitat-hirih
purify us from every defilement through its purification and
وتقْفُو بِنا آثار الّذِين
wa taq-fuwa bina atharalladhina
make us to follow the tracks of those
اسْتضاءُوا بِنُورِهِ
as-tada-u binurih
Who have taken illumination from its light
ولمْ يُلْهِهِمُ الأملُ عنِ الْعملِ فيقْطعهُمْ بِخُدعِ غُرُورِهِ
wa lam yul-hihimul-amalu `anil-`amali fayaq-ta'hum bikhudai' ghururih
and whom expectation has not distracted from works, cutting them off through its delusions' deceptions!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and
واجْعلِ الْقُرْآن لنا
waj-`alil-qur-ana lana
appoint the Qur’an for us
فِي ظُلمِ اللّيالِي مُؤنِساً
fi zulamillayali mu-nisa
an intimate in the shadows of nights and
ومِنْ نزغاتِ الشّيْطانِ وخطراتِ الْوساوِسِ حارِساً
wa minnazaghatish-shay-tani wa khataratil-wasawisi harisa
a guardian against the instigations of SATAN and confusing thoughts,
ولأقْدامِنا عنْ نقْلِها إِلى الْمعاصِي حابِساً
wa liaq-damina `annaq-liha ilal-ma'asi habisa
for our feet an obstruction from passing to acts of disobedience,
ولألْسِنتِنا عنِ الْخوْضِ فِي الْباطِلِ مِنْ غيْرِ ما آفةٍ مُخْرِساً
wa lial-sinatina `anil-khaw-di fil-batili min ghay-ri ma afatimmukh-risa
for our tongues a silencer without blight preventing a plunge into falsehood,
ولِجوارِحِنا عنِ اقْتِرافِ الآثامِ زاجِراً
wa lijawarihina `ani aq-tirafil-athami zajira
for our limbs a restrainer from committing sins, and
ولِما طوتِ الْغفْلةُ عنّا مِنْ تصفُّحِ الأعْتِبارِ ناشِراً
wa lima tawatil-ghaf-latu `anna min tasaf-fuhili`tibari nashira
for the scrutiny of heedfulness rolled up in heedlessness an unroller,
حتّى تُوصِل إِلى قُلُوبِنا فهْم عجائِبِهِ وزواجِر أمْثالِهِ الّتِي ضعُفتِ الْجِبالُ الرّواسِي على صلابتِها عنِ احْتِمالِهِ
hat-ta tusila ila qulubina fah-ma `aja-ibihi wa zawajira am-thalihillati da`ufatil-jibalur-rawasi `ala salabatiha `ani ah-timalih
Such that You attach to our hearts the understanding of the Qur’an's wonders and its restraining similitudes which immovable mountains in all their solidity were too weak to carry!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and
وأدِمْ بِالْقُرْآنِ صلاح ظاهِرِنا
wa adim bil-qur-ani salaha zahirina
through the Qur’an make permanent the rightness of our outward selves,
واحْجُبْ بِهِ خطراتِ الْوساوِسِ عنْ صِحّةِ ضمائِرِنا
wah-jub bihi khataratil-wasawisi `an sih-hati dama-irina
veil the ideas of confusing thoughts from the soundness of our innermost minds,
واغْسِلْ بِهِ درن قُلُوبِنا وعلائِق أوْزارِنا
wagh-sil bihi darana qulubina wa `ala-iqa aw-zarina
wash away the dirt of our hearts and the ties of our heavy sins,
واجْمعْ بِهِ مُنْتشر أُمُورِنا
waj-ma' bihi muntashara umurina
gather our scattered affairs,
وارْوِ بِهِ فِي موْقِفِ الْعرْضِ عليْك ظمأ هواجِرِنا
war-wi bihi fi maw-qifil-`ar-di `alay-ka zama hawajirina
quench the thirst of our burning heat in the standing place of the presentation to You, and
واكْسُنا بِهِ حُلل الأمانِ يوْم الْفزعِ الأكْبرِ فِي نُشُورِنا
wak-suna bihi hulalal-amani yaw-mal-fazai'l-ak-bari fi nushurina
clothe us in the robes of security on the Day of the Greatest Terror at our uprising!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and
واجْبُرْ بِالْقُرْآنِ خلّتنا مِنْ عدمِ الإِمْلاقِ
waj-bur bil-qur-ani khallatana min `adamil-im-laq
through the Qur’an redress our lack—our destitution in poverty—
وسُقْ إِليْنا بِهِ رغد الْعيْشِ وخِصْب سعةِ الأرْزاقِ
wa suq ilay-na bihi raghadal-`ay-shi wakhis-ba sa'til-ar-zaq
drive toward us the comforts of life and an abundance of plentiful provisions,
وجنِّبْنا بِهِ الضّرائِب الْمذْمُومة ومدانِي الأخْلاقِ
wa jannib-na bihid-dara-ibal-madh-mumata wa madanial-akh-laq
turn aside blameworthy character traits and base moral qualities, and
واعْصِمْنا بِهِ مِنْ هُوّةِ الْكُفْرِ ودواعِي النِّفاقِ
wa'-sim-na bihi min hu-watil-kuf-ri wa dawae’ennifaq
preserve us from the pit of unbelief and the motives for hypocrisy,
حتّى يكُون
hat-ta yakuna
such that the Qur’an may be
لنا فِي الْقِيامةِ إِلى رِضْوانِك وجِنانِك قائِداً
lana fil-qiamati ila rid-wanika wa jinanika qa-ida
for us at the resurrection a leader to Your good pleasure and Your gardens,
ولنا فِي الدُّنْيا عنْ سُخْطِك وتعدِّي حُدُودِك ذائِداً
wa lana fid-dunya `an sukh-tika wa ta'd-di hududika dha-ida
for us in this world a protector against Your displeasure and transgressing Your bounds,
ولِما عِنْدك بِتحْلِيلِ حلالِهِ وتحْرِيمِ حرامِهِ شاهِداً
wa lima i'ndaka bitah-lili halalihi watah-rimi haramihi shahida
and for what is with You a witness by its declaring lawful the lawful and its declaring unlawful the unlawful!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household and
وهوِّنْ بِالْقُرْآنِ عِنْد الْموْتِ على أنْفُسِنا
wa haw-wim-bil-qur-ani i'ndal-maw-ti `ala anfusina
through the Qur’an make easy for our souls at death
كرْب السِّياقِ
the distress of the driving,
وجهْد الأنِينِ
wa jah-dal-anin
the effort of the moaning,
وترادُف الْحشارِجِ
wa taradufal-hasharij
and the succession of the rattling,
(إِذا بلغتِ النُّفُوسُ التّراقِي وقِيل منْ راقٍ)
(idha balaghatinnufusut-taraqia waqila mar-raq)
“when souls reach the throats and it is said, ‘Where is the enchanter?’”
وتجلّى ملكُ الْموْتِ لِقبْضِها مِنْ حُجُبِ الْغُيُوبِ
watajalla malakul-maw-ti liqab-diha min hujubil-ghuyub
when the angel of death discloses himself to seize them from behind the veils of unseen things,
ورماها عن قوْسِ الْمنايا بِأسْهُمِ وحْشةِ الْفِراقِ
wa ramaha `an qaw-sil-manaya bi s-humi wah-shatil-firaq
letting loose at them from the bow of destinies the arrows of the terror of lonesome separation, and
وداف لها مِنْ ذُعافِ الْموْتِ كأْساً مسْمُومة الْمذاقِ
wa dafa laha min dhu`aafil-maw-ti ka-sammas-mumatal-madhaq
mixing for them from sudden death a cup poisoned to the taste; and
ودنا مِنّا إِلى الآخِرةِ رحِيلٌ وانْطِلاقٌ
wa dana minna ilal-akhirati rahilu-wantilaq
when departure and release for the hereafter come close to us,
وصارتِ الأعْمالُ قلائِد فِي الأعْناقِ
wa saratil-a'-malu qala-ida fil-a'-naq
works become collars around the necks, and
وكانتِ الْقُبورُ هِي الْمأْوى إِلى مِيقاتِ يوْمِ التّلاقِ
wa kanatil-qubwru hial-ma-wa ila miqati yaw-mit-talaq
the graves become the haven until the appointed time of the Day of Encounter!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wa alih
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وبارِكْ لنا فِي حُلُولِ دارِ الْبِلى وطُولِ الْمُقامةِ بيْن أطْباقِ الثّرى
wa barik lana fi hululi daril-bila wa tulil-muqamati bay-na at-baqith-thara
make blessed for us the arrival at the house of decay and the drawn out residence between the layers of the earth,
واجْعلِ الْقُبور بعْد فِراقِ الدُّنْيا خيْر منازِلِنا
waj-`alil-qubwra ba'-da firaqid-dunya khay-ra manazilina
appoint the graves, after separation from this world, the best of our way stations,
وافْسحْ لنا بِرحْمتِك فِي ضِيقِ ملاحِدِنا
waf-sah lana birah-matika fi diqi malahidina
make roomy for us through Your mercy the narrowness of our tombs, and
ولا تفْضحْنا فِي حاضِرِ الْقِيامةِ بِمُوبِقاتِ آثامِنا
wa la taf-dah-na fi hadiril-qiamati bimubiqati athamina
disgrace us not among those present at the Resurrection through our ruinous sins!
وارْحمْ بِالْقُرآنِ فِي موْقِفِ الْعرْضِ عليْك ذُلّ مقامِنا
war-ham bil-qurani fi maw-qifil-`ar-di `alay-ka dhulla maqamina
Through the Qur’an have mercy upon the lowliness of our station at the standing place of presentation to You,
وثبِّتْ بِهِ عِنْد اضْطِرابِ جِسْرِ جهنّم يوْم الْمجازِ عليْها زلل أقْدامِنا
wa thab-bit bihi i'nda ad-tirabi jis-ri jahannama yaw-mal-majazi `alay-ha zalala aq-damina
make firm the slips of our feet during the shaking of the bridge across hell on the day of passage over it,
ونوِّرْ بِهِ قبْل الْبعْثِ سُدف قُبُورِنا
wa naw-wir bihi qab-lal-ba'-thi sudafa quburina
illuminate the darkness of our graves before the Uprising, and
ونجِّنا بِهِ مِنْ كُلِّ كرْبٍ يوْم الْقِيامةِ وشدائِدِ أهْوالِ يوْمِ الطّآمّةِ
wa naj-jina bihi min kulli kar-bi-yaw-mal-qiamati wa shada-idi ah-wali yaw-mit-tammah
deliver us from every distress on the Day of Resurrection and from the hardships of terrors on the Day of Disaster!
وبيِّضْ وجُوهنا يوْم تسْودُّ وُجُوهُ الظّلمةِ فِي يوْمِ الْحسْرةِ والنّدامةِ
wa bay-yid wjuhana yaw-ma tas-wad-du wujuhuz-zalamati fi yaw-mil-has-rati wannadamah
Whiten our faces on the day when the faces of wrongdoers are blackened during the Day of Regret and Remorse,
واجْعلْ لنا فِي صُدُ رِ الْمُؤْمِنِين وُدّاً
waj-`allana fi suduril-mu-minina wud-da
appoint love for us in the breasts of the faithful, and
ولا تجْعلِ الْحياة عليْنا نكداً
wa la taj-`alil-hayata `alay-na nakada
make not life for us troublesome!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ عبْدِك ورسُولِك كما بلّغ رِسالتك
allahumma salli `ala muhammadin `ab-dika warasulika kama ballagha risalatak
O Allah, bless Muhammad, Your servant and Your messenger, just as He delivered Your message,
وصدع بِأمْرِك
wa sada' bi m-rik
executed Your command,
ونصح لِعِبادِك
wa nasaha lii'badik
and counseled Your servants!
اللّهُمّ اجْعلْ نبِيّنا صلواتُك عليْهِ وعلى آلِهِ يوْم الْقِيامةِ
allahumma aj-`al nabi-yana salawatuka `alay-hi wa'la alihi yaw-mal-qiamati
O Allah, on the Day of Resurrection make our Prophet (Your blessings be upon him and his Household)
أقْرب النّبِيِّين مِنْك مجْلِساً
aq-rabannabi-yina minka maj-lisa
the nearest of the prophets to You in seat,
وأمْكنهُمْ مِنْك شفاعةً
wa am-kanahum minka shafa'h
the ablest of them before You with intercession,
وأجلّهُمْ عِنْدك قدْراً
wa ajallahum i'ndaka qad-ra
the greatest of them with You in measure, and
وأوْجههُمْ عِنْدك جاهاً
wa aw-jahahum i'ndaka jaha
the most eminent of them with You in rank!
اللّهُمّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِ مُحمّدٍ
allahumma salli `ala muhammadiw-wali muhammad
O Allah, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
وشرِّفْ بُنْيانهُ
wa shar-rif bunyanah
ennoble his edifice,
وعظِّمْ بُرْهانهُ
wa `az-zim bur-hanah
magnify his proof, make
وثقِّلْ مِيزانهُ
wa thaq-qil mizanah
weighty his balance,
وتقبّلْ شفاعتهُ
wa taqab-bal shafa'tah
accept his intercession,
وقرِّبْ وسِيلتهُ
wa qar-rib wasilatah
bring near his mediation,
وبيّضْ وجْههُ
wa bay-yd waj-hah
whiten his face,
وأتِمّ نُورهُ
wa atimma nurah
complete his light, and
وارْفعْ درجتهُ
war-fa' darajatah
raise his degree!
وأحْيِنا على سُنّتِهِ
wa ah-yina `ala sunnatih
Make us live according to his Sunnah,
وتوفّنا على مِلّتِهِ
wa tawaf-fana `ala millatih
make us die in his creed,
وخُذْ بِنا مِنْهاجهُ
wa khudh bina min-hajah
take us on his road,
واسْلُكْ بِنا سبِيلهُ
was-luk bina sabilah
make us travel his path,
واجْعلْنا مِنْ أهْلِ طاعتِهِ
waj-`al-na min ahli ta`atih
place us among the people who obey him,
واحْشُرْنا فِي زُمْرتِهِ
wah-shur-na fi zum-ratih
muster us in his band,
وأوْرِدْنا حوْضهُ
wa aw-rid-na haw-dah
lead us to up his pool,
واسْقِنا بِكأْسِهِ
was-qina bika-sih
and give us to drink of his cup!
وصلِّ اللّهُمّ على مُحمّدٍ وآلِهِ
wa sallillahumma `ala muhammadiw-wa alihi
And bless Muhammad and his Household,
صلاةً تُبلِّغُهُ بِها أفْضل ما يأْمُلُ مِنْ خيْرِك وفضْلِك وكرامتِك
salatan tuballighuhu biha af-dala ma ya-mulu min khay-rika wafad-lika wakaramatik
with a blessing through which You wilt take him to the most excellent of Your good, Your bounty, and Your generosity for which he hopes!
إِنّك ذُو رحْمةٍ واسِعةٍ وفضْلٍ كرِيمٍ
innaka dhu rah-matiw-wasii’tiw-wafad-lin karim
You are Possessor of boundless mercy and generous bounty.
اللّهُمّ اجْزِهِ بِما بلّغ مِنْ رِسالاتِك
allahumma aj-zihi bima ballagha mir-risalatik
O Allah, repay him for Your messages which he delivered,
وأدّى مِنْ آياتِك
wa ad-da min ayatik
Your signs which he passed on,
ونصح لِعِبادِك
wa nasah lii'badik
the good counsel he gave to Your servants, and
وجاهد فِي سبِيلِك
wa jahada fi sabilik
the struggle he undertook in Your way,
أفْضل ما جزيْت أحداً
af-dala ma jazay-ta ahadana
with the best You have repaid any of
مِنْ ملائِكتِك الْمُقرّبِين
Your angels brought nigh and
وأنْبِيائِك الْمُرْسلِين الْمُصْطفيْن
wa ambia-ikal-mur-salinal-mus-tafayn
Your prophets sent out and chosen!
والسّلامُ عليْه وعلى آلِهِ الطّيِّبِين الطّاهِرِين ورحْمةُ اللّهِ وبركاتُهُ
was-salamu `alay-h wa'la alihit-tayyibinat-tahirina warah-matullahi wabarakatuh
And upon him and his Household, the good, the pure, be peace, Allah's mercy, and His blessings!
6th Imam dua Pdf | Ppsx
Pptx Sahifa Dua 45
Bidding ettiquettes farewell Suluk
Dua Night 29 / 30 Iqbal Aamal
6th Imam dua Pdf | Ppsx
Pptx Sahifa Dua 45
Bidding ettiquettes farewell Suluk
Dua Night 29 / 30 Iqbal Aamal