as-aloka bil-asmaa-il latee yad-o’oka behaa hamalato a’rsheka, wa man hawla a’rsheka benooreka yosabbehoona shafaqatan min khawfe e’qaabeka.
I ask You through those names, through whom the bearers of the Arsh invoke and those ask, who live around your Arsh and continuously recite divine praise due to your fear.
wa bil-asmaa-il latee yad-o’oka behaa jabra-eelo, wa meekaa-eelo, wa israafeelo illaa ajabtanee, wa kashafta yaa elaahee kurbatee, wa satarta zonoobee (wa ghafartahaa).
And through those names through which Jibraeel, Mikaeel and Israfeel supplicate, that You accept my entreaty and remove my grief and sorrow and conceal my sins.
yaa man khassa nafsahu bil-baqaa-e, wa khalaqa le-bariyyatehil mawta wal hayaata wal fanaa-a, yaa man fe’lohu qawlun, wa qawlohu amrun, wa amrohu maazin a’laa maa yashaa-o
O one, who specialized Himself for eternity and created death, life and annihilation for the creatures. O that God, whose act is word and whose command is effective on everything.
as-aloka bil-islmil lazee da-a’aka behi (ibraaheemo) khaleekoka a’layhis salaamo heena ulqeya fin naare fas-tajabta lahu wa qulta: “yaa naaro koonee bardan wa salaaman a’laa ibraaheema”
I beg through that name, through which your friend [Ibrahim] called You when he was cast into the fire and You accepted his plea and said: O fire, be cool and safe for Ibrahim.
wa sakhkharta behi le-solaymaana a’layhis salaamur reeha tajree be-amrehi wash shayaateena wa a’llamtahu manteqat tayre.
And through which You gave control of wind to Sulaiman and it blew under his command and also gave him control over the satans and taught him the language of the birds.
wa bil-ismil lazee khalaqta behir roohaaniyyeena, wa bil-ismil lazee khalaqta behil jinna wal insa, wa bil-ismil lazee khalaqta behi jamee-a’l khalqe.
And by that name through which You created the Ruhaniyyin[1] and by that name through which You created the Jinns and humans and by that name through which You created the universe.
wa bil-ismil lazee qadarta behi a’laa kulle shay-in, as-aloka behaazehil asmaa-e illaa maa a-a’taytanee soa-lee, wa qazayta hawaa-ejee yaa kareemo.
And by that name through which You exercised control on everything. I ask You through these that You bestow my demands and fulfill my needs, O noble Lord!
yaa rabbal awwaleena wal aakhereena, wa yaa khayral awwaleena wal aakhereena, yaa zal quwwatil mateena, wa yaa raahemal masaakeene, wa yaa arhamar raahemeena.
O first among the first; O the last among the last; O owner of tremendous power; O the merciful upon the destitute; O the most merciful of the merciful ones.
al-hamdo lillaahil lazee laa yansaa man zakarahu, wa laa yakheebo man da-a’a-ho wa laa yaqta-o’ rajaa-a man rajaa-ho
Praise be to Allah, who does not forget those, who remember Him and does not disappoint, whose who call Him; and does not cut off the hope of those who hope in Him.
Sahifa Fatima (sa) No 20
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that he taught Ali and Fatima and said: Pray two units of Prayer and in each unit recite Surah Fatiha and Ayatal Kursi three times and Surah Tauheed three times, and last verses of Surah Hashr three times from the words:
“Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain…till the end.
When he sits, he recites the Tasha-hud and glorifies Allah and invokes blessings on the Prophet and pray for the believing men and women; then supplicates for its effect: Then he says:
O Allah, indeed I ask You by the right of all the names that are yours; and which have right upon You to accept supplication, when You are called through it. And I ask You by the right of all who have right upon You.